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Identifying the signs of addiction in secretaries

In any corporation, organization or business, secretaries are a valuable inclusion and their importance cannot be overstated.

Secretaries are individuals who have special attributes that other employees might not have. And due to this, they are highly susceptible to getting addicted.

A good number of secretaries do not know how to handle stress and this is why a lot of them start abusing alcohol, drugs and the likes that helps them handle stress. With time, these secretaries begin to rely on these substances to help them work for longer hours than usual.

It is difficult to tell if a secretary is addicted because they do a good job at masking it. However, you can tell if your secretary is addicted so that they can seek help as soon as possible.

First off, if you notice that your secretary behaves in an intoxicated manner, there is a chance he or she is addicted. This is one of the most apparent signs of intoxication. At this point, the secretary fails to mask this effect making it obvious to anyone who cares to be observant.

If you notice that your secretary reeks of alcohol or any unknown substance, watch them well, there is a huge chance that they are addicted. And at this point, it is vital for you to step in and assist them in seeking help.

Another obvious sign of addiction in secretaries is reckless behavior. If your secretary who is normally meticulous starts to behave and attend to tasks with reckless abandon, then they are secretly battling addiction.

When you closely observe the way they talk and act, you will see that they are addicted and alongside struggling with their mental health.

In addition, if you observe that your secretary is beginning to behave secretly, there is a huge sign that they are addicted. Most times, addicted individuals lie about their activities because they want to engage in their addiction.

If you know any secretary who behaves queerly, you need to find out what’s happening and encourage them to seek help.  

5 Health tips for secretaries to care for themselves

Secretaries are the set of professionals who are often underrated. Almost everyone expects secretaries to perform their duties optimally not minding what they are encountering at the moment. This is one of the reasons why secretaries have problems with their health because of the stress and workload.

It is vital for secretaries to take care of their health so that they will be able to deliver as expected.

Here are five health tips for secretaries:

Take lots of water

Water is an essential source of fuel for our bodies and it is more beneficial to take lots of water instead of drinks and the likes. Taking much water is one of the best ways to remain active and hydrated. When you are dehydrated, it would be difficult for you to properly focus in the workplace.

Proper hydration eliminates decreased cognitive abilities, slower reaction time, reduced concentration etc.

Sleep for seven/eight hours

Secretaries find it challenging to get enough sleep because of the workload which often rolls over to the next day. However, it is vital that secretaries prioritize their night sleep over anything. When you sleep more, you eliminate fatigue, short temper, lack of sleep, focus and the likes.

More so, sleeping well helps to improve your immune system which reduces the chances of being sick.

Take balanced diets

There are a truckload of benefits that come with eating well. For one, you can be sure of falling ill less often. Also, you will have more energy to complete tasks without experiencing fatigue. If the habit of eating balanced diets is not implemented, it would affect the complementary efforts of other health practices.


To complement your health habits, you need to exercise regularly. Secretaries are prone to developing health-related problems because they sit down almost throughout the day. However, when you exercise to keep active, you will remain healthy and fit.

Take breaks

When you are too busy at work, you become stressed. And if you fail to relax without putting much pressure on yourself, it would be easier for you to deliver optimally.


Secretaries are a special set of people who have their own peculiar attributes and bad sides as well. Not everyone has the knowledge that secretaries struggle with addiction, just like the rest of other professionals.

The amazing part is, while the professional aspect of their lives demand that they are well composed, their personal lives could be continually spinning out of control.

Secretaries are commonly females, and most addictions which are common to secretaries, are known to plague the female folks in general. Addictions such as romance, alcohol, food and sex addiction, are what secretaries are known to suffer from.

You can know if a secretary is addicted, by being very observant. You can start by watching out for some signs in their behaviors. Secretaries who are addicted, are usually very secretive, and they usually seek reasons to make a temporary disappearance.

When they reappear, they show signs of obvious consumption, like the smell of drugs or alcohol.

If they were agitated before they disappeared, when they appear, they are usually relaxed, and signs of intoxication should further indicate that they are addicted.

One of the reasons why secretaries are addicted is because of the type of work they do.

Being a secretary comes with a high level of stress, which exposes them to all sorts of risks, and this makes them to result to alcohol, drugs and the likes, so that they can be rid of the stress affecting them.

Secretaries perform extra work than their colleagues, and this makes most of them to exceed their physical capacities.

They are individuals who struggle so hard to ensure they beat all given deadlines, hence, they work late hours and it is necessary they resume early to work the following day.

Addiction affects a secretary in the long run. To start with, their productivity is affected.

They will find out that, they would be unable to produce great results as usual. In addition to this, they become great liars because they would not want anyone to find out about their addiction.

There are all sorts of rehab options which are available for secretaries, and it is best they combat it early before it destroys their physical and mental health.


Secretaries are an important and valuable set of people in a business setting. They are a unique group of people with their distinct personal attributes and character. Secretaries have a high tendency to fall into webs of addiction because of the kind of work they perform.

With addiction rehabilitation centers, the knowledge is available for further information today. You might also visit the Government site for addiction information and resources.

There are jobs that have a high degree of stress and expose secretaries to some levels of risk and as such, they are compelled to use drugs and alcohol to ease the stress and relieve them from fatigue. Secretaries in many cases stand as office assistants, and they perform extra work which may induce them to work beyond their personal and physical limitations for fear of being dismissed, hence they use drugs and alcohol to achieve maximum work rate.
Similarly, secretaries find themselves working long hours in order to meet up with submitting a task. They sometimes work late into the night just to make sure they finish up. In order for them to stay awake and conscious, they take alcohol or drugs to keep their minds and brain active, when this becomes persistent, they fall into addiction.
Also, working for long hours can have a negative physical and emotional effect especially when working alone. Secretaries develop anxiety disorders and signs of depression, deprivation from relaxation and recreational pursuits. They acquire negative feelings during the process and use drugs to suppress them. There is a high tendency to experience hurt and exhibit some harmful behaviors and dent the image of the office or company where they work.
Losing balance between work and daily life is common among secretaries. They are unable to control how much attention they give to their work and the other parts of their lives deteriorates. There is a lot of pressure from work, and frustration sets in when they are unable to cope with the pressure. A lot of time is used in working making them neglect spending time with families and friends.
Lack of enjoyment and recreation can lead to issues of depression and unhappiness, and this can affect their productivity at work. This prompts them to start using prescription drugs and medications to control their emotional and psychological trauma.
With secretaries bringing addictions to work, the consequence is that they become to exhibit negative behaviors at work such as lateness to work and sometimes absenteeism. There would be a drop in the level of efficiency in the long run if solution is not found to the addiction.